Joint-Degree Tuition Evaluation
Whereas, Indiana University is renowned for high quality graduate and professional programs;
Whereas, Indiana University’s large and diverse setting allows students to pursue liberal, interdisciplinary educations;
Whereas, Indiana University’s Bicentennial Strategic Plan prioritizes affordable education and career preparation that enables graduate and professional students to acquire additional certificates and targeted career skills
Whereas, Indiana University graduate and professional programs are relatively autonomous in decision-making, specifically in setting their own tuition rates;
Whereas, the discrepancy in tuition rates across units causes schools to create unique methods for computing tuition for graduate students enrolled in cross-discipline courses;
Whereas, this unregulated tuition computation negatively affects some students enrolled in cross- discipline courses, causing them to pay significantly more per course on average;
Whereas, these calculated tuition rates can be volatile and unpredictable;
Whereas, higher and unpredictable tuition rates may deter students from pursuing interdisciplinary degrees, may lead students to incorrectly evaluate their required financial aid, and may cause students to experience a relative deflation of their scholarships.
Therefore, be it resolved by the Graduate and Professional Student Government Assembly that –
Indiana University Bloomington assemble a team to evaluate current joint-degree tuition rates for graduate and professional students;
This team be tasked with addressing situations where departments are making a per- class premium on joint-degree students;
This team should also request transparency on calculation methods and propose a uniform method to calculate tuition rates for joint-degree graduate students to be applied across campus.
Respectfully submitted to and passed by the Graduate and Professional Student Government Assembly on this 14th day of October, 2016.
GPSG President Date