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GPSO E-Newsletter: January 30, 2014

In this Issue:

From the President's Desk

Upcoming GPSO Events: Grad House Café, Assembly, First Friday Social Hour

News: Campus Tobacco-Free Policy Change

Fellowship Available: Dartmouth College Dissertation Fellowship

GPSO plans your weekend!

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From the President's Desk

In an effort to keep everyone more informed, but without adding to your already immense amount of reading, I will provide a weekly bullet list of relevant campus/university happenings.  For more details on these happenings, please follow any links provided or direct your questions to your GPSO Representative or me (

  • Board of Trustees has added e-cigarettes to the banned list of items in the University smoking policy
  • IUB's Strategic Plan will be rolling out for public comment by February 10th 
  • Student vacancy on the Graduate Commons Governance Group, email if interested
  • Board of Trustees has directed administration to research a common calendar for the whole university system

Brady Harman, GPSO President

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Upcoming GPSO Events

Grad House Café - Thursday, February 6

Stop by the Grad House (803 E. 8th Street) between 8:30 and 10:30am next week for FREE coffee and Bloomington Bagels. Check out our Facebook event for directions.

Save a tree, and bring a mug, if possible!


Assembly and First Friday Social Hour - Friday, February 7

The second GPSO Assembly will take place at 3:30 on February 7 in Woodburn Hall 100.

We will follow up with a February social hour at Atlas from 7-9pm. Please RSVP via Facebook to help us have plenty of food!

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News: Campus Tobacco-Free Policy Change

Indiana University recently updated the campus tobacco-free policy to incorporate electronic cigarettes into the definion of "tobacco and smoking related products."

"Tobacco and smoking related products - all tobacco-derived or tobacco containing products including, and not limited to, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco (e.g. snus). It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products or the smoking of any other substance."

To view the policy in full, please visit the IU University Policies homepage.

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Fellowship Available: Dartmouth College Dissertation Fellowship

Dartmouth College invites applications for the Cesar Chavez/Charles A. Eastman/Thurgood Marshall Dissertation Fellowships from US citizens who plan careers in college or university teaching.

The Fellowships support graduate scholars for a 12 month residency at Dartmouth that generally runs from September through August. They offer an opportunity for scholars who plan a career in higher education and have completed all other Ph.D. requirements to finish their dissertations with access to the outstanding libraries, computing facilities and faculty of Dartmouth College. Fellows may be pursuing the Ph.D. degree in any discipline or area taught in the Dartmouth undergraduate Arts and Sciences curriculum. Each Fellow will be affiliated with a department or program at the College.

Three Fellowships will be awarded, each providing a stipend of $26,000, office space, library privileges, and a $2,500 research assistance fund. Fellows will be expected to complete the dissertation during the tenure of the Fellowship and may have the opportunity to participate in teaching, either as a primary instructor or as part of a team.

Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and promise; membership in a racial or ethnic group that is currently underrepresented among faculty in the applicant's academic field or demonstrated commitment to increasing opportunities for underrepresented minorities and increasing cross-racial understanding; and potential for serving as an advocate and mentor for minority undergraduate and graduate students.

Each Fellow will be expected to participate in selected departmental activities with undergraduate students (for example, presenting guest lectures in classes, serving in programs for minority students interested in academic careers, and interacting with undergraduate majors in host departments).

For information, visit the fellowship website.

Applications due by February 1.

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Guest Article: The Impostor Syndrome - Are You Fooling Everyone?

By Tara Kuther, via

At one time or another nearly every graduate student and new faculty member wonders about his or her competence. "Sure I got into grad school, but it's just a matter of time before I utterly fail. I'm not as good as everyone and someday that will become apparent." One faculty member explains, "I've published a bunch of articles, but each time I start a new research study, I wonder if I can do it again. I know it's ridiculous but I wonder if this will be the time when they find out that I'm making it up as I go? Which is crazy, because I'm not!" This is a common fear often referred to as the impostor syndrome. The impostor syndrome runs rampant in academia - and women are especially prone to it.

What is the Impostor Syndrome?
The impostor syndrome or phenomena is the feeling of being an intellectual phony and is prevalent among high achieving persons. It is characterized by feeling unable to take credit for accomplishments, academic excellence, and recognition, as well as dismissing success as simply luck, good timing, or perseverance. So called impostors feel that they have fooled everyone and that they are not as smart or capable as everyone thinks. This, of course, is inaccurate.

How do you get over the impostor syndrome? Easier said than done. What else can you do?

Accept it
Most professionals question their competence now and then. Don't beat yourself up over it. Accept it as part of being human. In fact, questioning yourself at least sometimes is a good idea because it ensures that you are self aware and can identify ways in which you can grow.

Assess Your Skills
Accurately assessing your performance is key to moving past the impostor syndrome. Document your competencies. Document your successes. Each time you succeed, however small, take time to jot down the specific actions that led to success as well as what experience and qualities underlies your success at completing each action.

Recognize that you are not alone. 
Talk with other students. Learn about their successes, failures, and concerns. Social comparison can help you see that others are in the same boat - we all question our abilities at one time or another. The tough part is to not let those questions detract from our work and our sense of competence.

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GPSO plans your weekend!

January 31 - February 2:

  • January 31, 6:30pm: Daisies (IU Cinema, free)
  • February 1, 5pm: Americana Showcase (Player's Pub, free)
  • February 2, 9pm: Crooks on Tape (Bishop Bar, free)

Nothing look good to you?

Check out the ongoing exhibits featured in the sidebar or visit and for the full on- and off-campus scoop.


Have an event to promote?

Email me at, and I can help you spread the e-word to our fellow grad students.

Go have some fun!

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